Monday, April 2, 2012

Choose Wisely

   'There just aren't enough hours in the day!'
   We've all heard this before but have you really listened to it? Or thought about why we think there aren't enough? You spend so much time thinking,'I have to get this done today.' or 'This absolutely cannot wait.' Oh yes, it can. In fact, it needs to wait.
   How many times do you choose to load the dishwasher right now instead of waiting another 15 minutes and finally taking the time to read that book to your daughter? How often do you choose to get on Facebook instead of playing ball with your son? Why do you choose to scrub the kitchen instead of curling up on the couch with your husband? I realize that these things are important for your life to function well. I'm not saying you need to neglect them but simply realize that it can wait and it won't hurt anything.
   Do you have any idea why grandparents are so loved by their grandchildren? It's because they spend time with them. They give them their undivided attention when they read books to them. They do not rush through it because they're really worrying about mopping the floor. Grandparents enjoy every second of their time with their grandchildren because they recognize the value of it. They know first hand how quickly these years pass. They know that, in a year, these beautiful, cuddly babies will be walking and they will not be willing to sit and snuggle anymore. In a few months, that spunky toddler will be running around and will not hold your hand on a walk. In a few weeks, that child will not need your help to read. In a few days, that teenager is moving out.
   'There just aren't enough hours in the day!' 
   Yes, there are. There just aren't enough hours to do everything you've convinced yourself will not wait. You can't scrub the entire kitchen, wash every piece of dirty laundry, clean both bathrooms, vacuum the whole house, sit down and feed the baby multiple times, take the dog out, & make breakfast, lunch and dinner.
   Did you even think about reading your Bible or spending some time in prayer? Isn't God the one who has blessed you with a home and children to take care of? When your husband comes home, do you run to greet him at the door like you did before your children were born? Or do you keep sweeping the floor and let him come to you for a brief, 'let's get this over with, I have things to do' kiss? Have you thought about how disappointing that must be to him? He's been gone all day, wondering what you're doing and waiting to get home, only to feel like he's in the way when he gets there. Put the broom down and wrap your arms around that man. Isn't he the one who chooses to work his butt off so that you can have the privilege of staying home with your children? 
   Recognize's not going to hurt a thing for you to leave those dirty dishes in the sink and take your children outside to play. While there's nothing wrong with sending them outside alone while you get the house cleaned up, don't do it every day. Go outside with them or, better yet, allow them to help you clean! Children love to help you and they love to learn new things. There's no reason to send them outside because they won't do it right. If they don't get the dishes clean, who really cares? They can be rewashed. Will it be an 'inconvenience' to you? Yes! Nobody wants to wash dishes twice but stop thinking of yourself. Think of your children. As you stand at the sink with your aching feet & exhausted mind and body, remember their shrieks of joy. Remember the laughter that filled your home 30 minutes ago because they got to help Mommy! Remember the soap suds battle that you had. Remember how tightly they squeezed your neck. How often do they do that? 
   It is true that, at times, you honestly do have the spare minutes and that's ok. I simply want you to recognize that when you tell them 'later', you have to make sure that 'later' comes.  If you continually, say 'Later!' and the 'later' never happens, your precious children will not ask you to read to them anymore. They will not ask you to play outside. They will not ask you play with their dolls or help them build an indoor tent. 
   God put the perfect amount of hours in the day. You are the one who chooses what to do with those hours. You must choose wisely. 

1 comment:

  1. Ouch! even though I learned this a little late... I said this almost exact thing to someone the other day about myself, even now, sitting down with the hubby or trying for the 10th time to understand the game of chess with Kollin! ha!! Definitely wise words for all of us, especially young parents. Thank you! You're so wise...who'd you get that from?!
